Sunday, December 22, 2013

Mary Jane for Christmas

Yes, it's true...earlier this month New York State Legislators announced a Marijuana Legalization Bill. State Senator Liz Krueger and New York Health Assembly Committee Chairman Richard Gottfried put up a very convincing and persuasive argument as to why NYS should pass the bill to legalize the recreational use of Marijuane.

Now, I know many of you are shaking your head and others may be nodding their heads in compliance, but the truth of the matter is our economy is in an extremely fragile state and the passage of this bill can and will boost our economy approximately 400 billion dollars every year thru the taxation of this commercial production.

One particularly strong argument made by Senator Krueger, alcohol and tobacco are no more or less as dangerous of a substance as Marijuana, yet we all have been raised on the notion that Marijuane is bad for you and rots your brain. Well guess what? Alcohol and tobacco kill millions each year, Marijuane doesn't kill you.

A neuropschpharmatologist from Columbia University shed light on this matter based off of his 15 years of research on the effects of Marijuane and it was specifically stated that the use of Marijuane has been very much exaggerated over the years through the media. Very similar to the media attention brought to the use of alcohol prior to legalization. 

In addition to these findings, it is statistically proven that the illegal distribution of marijuana is the #1 crime leading young individuals to be arrested and prosecuted in NYS. This issue can be controlled through government regulation of this substance, which will help to keep more of our younger generation off of the streets and out of prison, while at the same time boosting our economy from many angles.

It's a tough argument to compete against...tell me why alcohol and tobacco, both substances I have lost many family members to, is legal but Marijuane is not?

I bet there are millions of comments to my last remark, but none of which will have any firm grounds to stand on being that alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous and life threatening than marijuana could ever be...


  1. Would love to hear your feedback, please feel free to comment below...

  2. my personal opinion on alcohol, tobacco, marijuana that they are all dangerous, life threatening and consume a lot of money from the people. It might better for the economy since it will allow more people to enter the hospitals since all these dangerous products have negative side effects and a tiny positive things.
    The other reason why the government will allow such thing is to control people and make them busy with their desires instead of focusing on something useful for mankind.

  3. Marijuana is a revolutionary plant That changes everybody's life it comes across. It has thousands of practical applications besides it's natural healing properties I agree the media been Painting a very terrible picture of marijuana for decades, but if you do your own homework or research you will quickly learned that is not the case It is actually quite the opposite! And as far as alcohol and tobacco you need Not To do no homework Because most of us have been directly affected by someone being harmed or killed by alcohol and tobacco 80% of the time. Like you mentioned That you also experience that your Self. So have I...... #SaveMary #AHOOD


  4. Never tried it but i've heard it's not that bad... it was banned because people wanted to make money out of it...

  5. Morphine, Heroine, Meth, coke have in common what Mary jane doesn't; they were at one point legal and marketed to the masses as a healing component with the bonus that they have some chemical component in their molecule.
    I find it funny that a plant that is harmless is treated awfully when it has many health benefits that doesn't induce another ailment or extreme addiction.
    alochol, tobacco are manufactured and sold to the masses with the conscious decision from the companies that death or severe injury will occur when consumed irresponsibly or during long periods of time.
    despite of some minor set backs in the case of my great grandmother she lived 26 more years despite of a six month death sentence given to her by doctors once her cancer was discovered and treated with chemo.
    this plant has so many benefits and plus side that the only thing wrong with it is that it has been marginalized by a group of people who more than likely smoked it themselves and decided to keep it black marketed to keep the price of it high and lucrative. (supply and demand folks)

    I hope it becomes legal in this state. the health benefits and the economical benefits attached to this plant is enough to not say no.
