Thursday, December 26, 2013

Android vs. Apple -- Which works for you?

The ongoing feud within the digital world since Apple’s 1st release of the iPhone has been, iPhone or Android? Which is best and why?

Working as a Project Manager within the digital industry, one thing I noticed is that all of the developers I work with do not own any personal Apple devices, nor do they wish to. 

That being said, I have decided to bypass all public opinion and dig a little deeper as to why those who make programs for Apple devices, such as developers, choose not to even own their own Apple device and this is what I found…

1. Limited Sharing Capabilities
iOS applications allow you to share content with only a select few such as Mail, Facebook, Message, and Twitter. With Android applications your sharing capabilities are endless, you can share through any installed application, unlike Apple.

2. Keyboard Alternatives
iOS devices only offer one standard keyboard option, but as for android devices there are various different keyword options that can be utilized.

3. One of a Kind
With iOS, what you see is what you get and there is not much room for customization. Android allows you to customize your device to fit your specific wants and needs, you have the ability to install various themes and layouts based on personal preference, without limitation.

4. Musical Freedom
iOS devices require the use of iTunes for downloading music onto your device. Android devices allow you to download music from wherever you want and however you please, without utilizing any mandatory program in order to do so.

5. Applications Galore
Android devices have a much larger selection of applications to choose from then Apple devices have to offer within their app store.

Which do you prefer and why, Apple or Android?

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